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Together we grow #5

Sun, Feb 28


Zoom Meeting

Monthly Empowerment ReTreat Series for all Global Sisters in diversity, who attain to stand strong in awakening times. Join our monthly events from October 2020 to June 2021. If you can't make it LIVE you will receive the recordings after!

You can still receive the recording of this event to enjoy in your own time and space!
Contact Jósa for your ticket
Together we grow #5
Together we grow #5

Time & Location

Feb 28, 2021, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST

Zoom Meeting

About the Event

February 28th 2021 - 12pm EST // 18.00 CET

3 hours on Zoom

Investment $50

(partly//full scholarships available by request)

Watch Love flow like Water

-loving our bodies as they are

In this workshop, you will learn and experience powerful self-healing exercises, loving-kindness meditation, and a collective message of wisdom from the Akashic Records. Together, we will gather our reflections in a sharing circle, we will dance joyfully, and we will embrace our abundant self-love and sensuality. 

Water changes shape but does not ever lose its essence.

Think of how water fills a vase and changes shape. We too change and shift.

We have different needs and wants in different relationships, yet our essence is always the same. When looking closer into the fascinating element of water, we notice how it changes character from being a single drop to becoming a gentle stream or even a powerful waterfall that carves out a whole canyon over time.

Our Love - our giving and receiving - is like that!

It flows like water...

at times a small drip that can fill to become a river or explode with passion like an untameable geyser.

That is the theme for our February Sisterhood ReTreat.

We will explore our love for ourselves. Our love towards our own bodies.

Hidden or visible. Just like water.

What can we learn from water in terms of love and relationships?

The greatest relationship we will ever have is for sure the relationship towards ourselves. When we take good care of ourselves, we create the fundament to take good care of others as well. We all know that in the last year, dealing with lockdowns and a global pandemic has been rough on most people. In a relationship or not...

Everyone is finding challenges in some areas, as we keep on having to limit our connection physically to others outside our home.

Some of you might feel utterly isolated, while others miss having some space for self.

We invite you to join us in finding back to the softness and nurturing for ourselves, - allowing love to flow as water, through our bodies, our minds, our spirits.

On some days we might have a sense of peace within our bodies. We look in the mirror and feel love and gratitude flowing towards that person looking back at us.

On other days, we might be aware of negative voices within. Voices of judgement and self-critic towards our bodies and to our relationships. By using water as our inspiration, we can learn how to come back to the natural flow of fulfillment, no matter what is going on inside our heads.

Our special guest of this workshop, Marisa Sullivan, Sexual Educator, Intimacy Coach and Teacher of Loving and Caring for Our Bodies, will take us on a journey filled with self-discovery on how to meet and greet ourselves fully as we are.

By sharing some of her most powerful self-healing exercises she can help us shift and step into loving ourselves, no matter what!

Using this month's element of water as our great inspiration, Marisa will take us through exercises that enhance the experience of caring for our bodies. Of caring for ourselves as mothers, daughters, and sisters from our deepest essence of our hearts. You have probably heard the saying:

Only by loving yourself, can you truly love another...

Let’s start with ourselves!

We will investigate our contact to love as a feeling. Investigate how our sense of love is constantly shifting and changing within us. Just like water itself, we are flowing in and out of the feeling of love, yet our essence is always the same.

Love is always within us.

Please join Marisa Sullivan and Jósa Goodlife for our 5th edition of

“Together we grow” - Global Sisters in Empowerment, ReTreat series.

A beautiful journey for deep self-nourish in our own personal space.

Even though we are separated physically, we are connected together through the web.

Our global connection gives us inspiration for endless possibilities on learning how to step deeper into self-love, as we are all mirrors for one another!

Let’s find our love-keys to open up the gates to those parts of us,

we are not used to giving Love to.

During these three hours online, we will gather our sister spirits and dedicate our time to find love to our bodies and minds, fully as they are. We will experiment with tantric exercises to open up our curiosity to a different approach. Without shame or isolation, we attempt to carve out the space for our love rivers to flow freely, through our entire being - letting them stream all together into the vast oceans of union with our diverse global sisters. We are never alone!

  • The schedule of the day starts with Jósa welcoming everyone in with an opening ceremony and a little love dance to warm up our bodies.
  • Marisa will take over with a loving-kindness meditation -or Metta, to channel love and compassion to ourselves.
  • She will delight us with exercises from The Wheel of Consent by tuning into the questions: “What do I want? At this moment, from this person in front of me?” Asking the questions “Will you?”  and “May I?” in partner-exercises with our dear Soul Sisters, we learn how to ask for what we require in all relationships, to listen to ourselves and hear why we don’t ask and what happens when we don’t make these requests. Expect some other juicy exercises to greet our bodies in a tender way.
  • You will leave this workshop with a gentle open heart, available to receive more love for yourself
  • We will discuss and experience our resistance with making requests // asking for what we want, followed by open rooms for questions and group sharing from participants.
  • To close the circle, Jósa will open up the Akashic Records for our group and channel messages and guidance, according to your questions and wishes for the collective. Feel free to bring any questions if you like!

We will make sure to take time in between sessions for bathroom//water breaks.

All sessions will be recorded and sent out in the following days, so you can re-listen or watch and participate when it suits you.

Marisa Sullivan is a Modern Day Mystic, based in Brooklyn, NY.

She is a Soccer Mom Tantrika. A Pleasure Witch.

She teaches Women and Couples Sexual Empowerment- Sacred Sexuality -how to maximize the magic and medicine of sexual juiciness, how to be authentic in our sexual expression, inhabiting our yes and no, and understanding the power of pleasure.

Marisa shares her awe and respect for the wisdom of our anatomy, especially the female genital and pelvic floor anatomy and their entwinement. She helps women balance their menstrual cycles, harness their fertility, birth, mother, partner, build communities, vision, and create their lives. She is a mind/body/life journey healer using Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Rituals, Yoni steaming, Joy, Laughter, Breathwork, Creative Play, and Sexual Education.

Certifications include Jivamukti, Sivananda, Pelvic Floor Yoga, Prenatal, Mommy and Baby Yoga, Yoga for children, Reiki Masters, and a Masters in Theater for Educational and Therapeutic Use.

Marisa believes in LOVE as a superpower, which we all can harness to effect change in our lives and in the world.

Come and join us for our 5th month of this monthly Sisterhood retreat series.

If you are unsure of your time in the world, you can see it here.

Bring your sisters!

Sign up for two or more TOGETHER and get 15% off your total ticket price when you buy 2 or more tickets at once!

Purchase a "Community Ticket" to help fund scholarships for our sisters around the world.

Our mission is to make our event accessible and affordable for everyone, and that is why we created this special ticket - in support of our global community (acknowledging the different financial systems and realities around the world)! 

When you buy a "Community Ticket," we donate one ticket to a sister who will greatly benefit from attending our workshop but couldn't afford it otherwise. If you love giving back and contributing to others, this ticket is for you! 

Thank you for your choice. Let's spread the love! 💖

This wonderful retreat is supported by our co-creator Andreea Popescu, a digital marketing expert, Access Bars Facilitator, and a storytelling globetrotter - who is working from behind the scenes to facilitate the easy flow of all processes. 

A kind reminder that our participants will receive a 20% discount for any private sessions they would like to book with our founder Jósa Goodlife, co-creator Andreea Popescu, and special guest healer Marisa Sullivan.

REDUCED PRICE tickets and SCHOLARSHIPS available pr. request!

We have some scholarships available you can apply for or reduced price tickets. 

PLEASE CONTACT us personally by email!! 

Looking forward to having you with us! 


  • Ticket

    +$1.25 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • Community Ticket

    Our mission is to make our event accessible and affordable for everyone, and that is why we created this special ticket! When you buy a "Community Ticket," we donate one ticket to a sister who will greatly benefit from attending our workshop but couldn't afford it otherwise. If you love giving back and contributing to others, this ticket is for you! Thank you for your choice. Let's spread the love!

    +$1.50 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • Sisterhood Ticket (2 Sisters)

    Sign up two sisters together and get a 15% off your whole purchase. Write in all emails together in one purchase, and we'll make sure to send you your own private zoom links and all the info.

    +$2.13 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • Sisterhood ticket (3 Sisters)

    Sign up three sisters together and get a 15% off your whole purchase. Write in all emails together in one purchase, and we'll make sure to send you your own private zoom links and all the info.

    +$3.20 ticket service fee
    Sale ended
  • VIP GOLD 444 package

    Choose the whole series and support us by investing in all 9 ReTreats! 27h of amazing Healing Tools and Akashic Activations that will keep you HIGH on LIFE through this Birthing of our new Earth!!! As a reward, you will get a private online Akashic reading (44min) with Jósa Goodlife. - now that is a deal!!! *You can purchase any time during and receive the previous recordings, in case you come in later... **we will honor the service fee in this special GOLD 444 package

    Sale ended



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